Accepted Students

You did it! 祝贺你被华盛顿录取 & 杰佛逊学院,一个领先的四年制住宿学院,培养未来的领导者和全球公民. 澳门葡京博彩软件迫不及待地想在今年夏天开始你的第一年体验,并在秋天在校园里迎接你.

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Next Steps

Now that you have your acceptance in-hand, you can start preparing for your first year at W&完成这些任务.

Complete your FAFSA

File your FAFSA at (W&J的学校代码是003389).

  • Check your W&J领导状态门户
    Login 要查看您的经济援助信息,请连接W&J社区,并查看即将举行的活动. To login, use your email address and password (or the PIN provided to you via email by your admission counselor).
  • 提交入学申请表和押金
    Login to your Leadership Status Portal to complete your Admission Reply Form, 还有你6月1日之前的300美元定金.
  • Get Connected!
    Download the Discord app on your computer or phone, search for Washington & Jefferson College’s server, and join the community to meet other prospective students!
  • If you are interested in transferring AP, college-level, or IB courses to W&请咨询澳门葡京博彩软件的 policies 在联系 司法常务官办公室.

Hey, Parents!

你的学生被W录取了&J College! 这对他们和你来说都是一个里程碑. Know that we're here to help them to make the transition and succeed over the next four years. 而且,澳门葡京博彩软件也在这里支持你.

Course Placements

Once you've made W&提交你的正式大学选择, 澳门葡京博彩软件需要你完成数学和语言的课程评估,以帮助澳门葡京博彩软件制定你第一学期的课程安排.
